Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Wind, Our Constant Companion

We've been sitting on the deck looking southwest and watching the weather come in. Quite a distance out we see flat, anvil shaped clouds moving our way Over head the clouds are very busy pushing around large puffs of fog and mist. The wind is howling but the wind ALWAYS howls here, a constant companion. We were at a neighborhood get together on Monday and one of our neighbors told us that when they were looking at the property they eventually purchased the realtor discouraged them from buying it because she said 'it is so windy out there, no one will put a house up.' We know she was partially incorrect because we are here with some neighbors but she was right on about the wind!

1 comment:

  1. I posted this on facebook over Memorial Day weekend but I have also included on the blog in case you are interested and may have missed it first time around.
