Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Denial says: 'Mountain? What mountain? I don't see a mountain?'

I certainly don't have all the answers, but it's empowering to try to simplify this mysterious life and put into words the thoughts and feelings that can seem so hard to understand.  That's why I titled my blog as I did and I will try to distill my experiences down to some active verbs:  Think, talk, listen, and discuss.  I could add hope, learn and reach to the list.


  1. My 'mountain' is my two daughters under two that I am raising alone quite often. I love them dearly, but this is an experience in patience and endurance. I pray everyday to make it through to bedtime, and most days look back on the day with a smile.

  2. Bec, Why I admire you: so maybe you can't put a positive spin on everything, but you do make having a positive attitude a way of life. You're doing a great job with your two little girls and I wish you well with gusto!!
